Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Clarkston

Have you suffered a work-related accident that caused serious injuries? You deserve to be compensated if the injury happened while you were doing your job. Of course, your employer and their insurance company might try to cheat you out of your workers’ compensation benefits in Clarkston, GA. That’s where our legal services come in handy.

At the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition, we are ready to fight for you. Over the years we have been in business, we have worked on various workers’ compensation cases in Georgia. Therefore, we understand the rules and regulations pertaining to workers’ compensation. We are here to help you understand your legal rights after you have been injured at work.

Contact our Clarkston worker’s compensation lawyers today at 470-518-5026 so we can start working on your case.

Table of Contents

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Income Limits

If you are an employee in Georgia and have suffered a workplace injury, you are entitled to receive some weekly income benefits, regardless of whether the injury is permanent or temporary. The maximum amount allowed for permanent partial disability (PPD), temporary partial disability (TPD), and temporary total disability (TTD) will vary depending on when you suffered your injury as shown below.

• For injuries suffered from July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2003, you can receive a maximum weekly PPD payment of $425, TTD payment of $400 and TPD payment of $268.

• For injuries suffered between July 1, 2003, and June 30, 2005, you will receive a maximum weekly PPD payment of $450, TTD payment of $425 and TPD payment of $284.

• For injuries suffered between July 1, 2005, to June 30, 2007, you will receive a maximum weekly payment of PPD and TTD benefits amounting to $450 each and TPD payment of $300.

• For injuries suffered between July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2013, you will receive a maximum weekly payment of PPD and TTD benefits of $500 each and TPD payment of $334.

• For injuries suffered between July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2015, you will receive a maximum weekly PPD and TTD benefits of $525 each and $350 for TPD benefits.

• For injuries suffered between July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, you will receive a maximum weekly PPD and TTD benefits amounting to $550 each and TPD benefits amounting to $367 every week.

• For injuries suffered between July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2019, you will receive a maximum weekly payment of PPD and TTD benefits of $575 and TPD benefits of $383 every week.

• For injuries suffered from July 1, 2019, to the present, you will receive a maximum weekly payment of PPD and TTD benefits amounting to $675 each and TPD benefits of $450 every week.

Workers' Compensation Benefits in Clarkston, Georgia Infographic

Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Clarkston, Georgia

There are four types of disability benefits, as well medical benefits for hurt employees, and death benefits for dependents of those killed by workplace accidents.

Temporary Total Disability Benefits and Limits

If you can’t work due to your injury for at least 7 days, you should receive temporary total disability benefits. You will not start receiving these benefits until you have been out of work for at least 7 days. However, you can be paid for the first 7 days if you have been out of work for 21 days consecutively.

The total amount of TTD benefits equals two-thirds of your average weekly wages up to a maximum amount as shown above. The minimum payment is $50 if you earned less than that. You will continue receiving these benefits until you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) where your condition has improved but will not improve further with more treatment.

Note that, you can’t receive TTD benefits for more than 400 weeks after the date of your injury unless you have suffered a catastrophic injury such as a head injury, amputation of a limb, severe burns or spinal cord injury resulting in paralysis.

Temporary Partial Disability Benefits

Are you able to go back to work but will be earning less because of your injury? You should receive temporary partial disability benefits (TPD). It equals two-thirds of the difference between your weekly earnings now and before your injury. You will receive TPD benefits for a maximum of 350 weeks from the date of your injury.

Permanent Partial Disability Benefits (PPD)

If you have suffered a permanent partial disability, you will receive the same amount of benefits as shown above depending on the date of your injury. You will receive these benefits for a limited period depending on the degree of disability for each affected part of your body multiplied by the maximum weeks for each body part.

For instance, if you have suffered a total loss of your hand, you will receive PPD benefits for 160 weeks. However, if you have only lost 50% of the use of your hand, you will receive PPD benefits for 80 weeks. These benefits are payable if you are no longer receiving TPD and TTD benefits.

Permanent Total Disability Benefits

If you have suffered permanent total disability, you will continue receiving weekly payments for the rest of your life at the TTD rate. Also, you can receive a lump sum of your future payments (usually reduced to the present value of your benefits). Some of the injuries that qualify as permanent total disability include blindness in both eyes or losing two limbs.

How Are Clarkston, Georgia Workers’ Comp Benefits Calculated?

As mentioned above, you will receive workers’ compensation benefits as two-thirds of your average weekly wage up to the maximum amount allowed in Georgia. The average weekly wage is the average of wages you received for up to 13 weeks before you suffered the injuries.

Are Georgia Workers’ Compensation Benefits Taxed?

No, you will not have to pay taxes for your workers’ compensation benefits paid in Georgia.

Schedule Your Free Case Review Today

To ensure that you receive the compensation amounts owed to you, it’s a good idea to work with the best Clarkston, GA workers’ compensation attorney. If you choose the Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Coalition, you can rest assured that we have you covered. We will make sure that your income losses are repaid as a result of your injury.

We are here to help you get your deserved workers’ compensation benefits in Clarkston, GA. Call us today at 470-518-5026 to get in touch with the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Georgia.