Workers’ Compensation Claims Process in Conyers, GA

It is important to understand the workers’ compensation claims process in Conyers, GA if you or someone you know has suffered an injury on the job or become ill due to an injury on your job. You may be eligible for a form of compensation called Workers’ Compensation. Every employer in the state of Georgia who employs over 3 regular or part-time employees is required by law to have Workers’ Compensation insurance. It’s important to understand workers’ compensation claims process in Conyers, GA so that you’ll be eligible for all of the compensation that is due to you for your injuries or illness.

The first step of the claims process is to notify your employer of your injury or illness within 30 days of your injury or illness. Most places of business have specific forms that must be filled out to inform the employer of an injury or illness. It’s important to follow the specific guidelines of your employer to ensure that you’ll be eligible for any compensation that may be due to you should you become injured or ill on your job.

This information is often posted in a break room or on a bulletin board along with other pertinent information where you work. If you don’t file within the 30-day requirement, you may be forfeiting any compensation that you may have been due for your injuries or illness.

Document all of the details of your injury and if possible, take pictures of your injuries and even the site where you were injured. The more information you have documented the better your case can be represented. It’s also important to make sure that you see a doctor that is authorized to treat workers’ compensation cases.

Often there will be a list of such doctors posted where your company posts other vital information for employees. If there isn’t such information posted ask a supervisor for this information. Always notify medical personnel and the doctor that the injury took place at the workplace.

Only in an emergency should you see a doctor that isn’t authorized to take care of workers’ compensation cases. If you must see a different doctor make sure that the doctor knows that you have an on-the-job injury and that they document this information. It’s very important to make sure to get copies of any doctor’s reports and follow their instructions.

After you’ve notified your employer, you’ll want to call an attorney such as the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA to help you file your claim. When you call them, you’ll receive a free consultation in regards to your personal case. If they feel that you’ll qualify for a Workers’ Compensation claim, and take your case, they’ll charge you a contingency fee for their services. This means that if they don’t win your case, you won’t owe them any money. The amount that you do owe them if they do win a settlement is a percentage of the overall settlement.

Table of Contents

Conyers Workers Compensation Claims Process Infographic

How Can I Know if My Injury Will Be Covered By a Workers’ Comp Claim?

Per Georgia state law, every business in the state of Georgia that employs three workers or more that work regular or part-time hours must provide Workers’ Compensation insurance to their employees. Any injuries that you may suffer while you’re on the job should be covered by the Workers’ Compensation insurance.

Workers' Compensation claims process in conyers

There are many possible injuries that can occur in a workplace. Regardless of the type of work that employees do, they can still become injured, even at a desk job. Typical injuries that are covered include the following:

  • Industrial accident
  • Car or vehicular accidents
  • Back Injuries
  • Neck Injuries
  • Falls
  • Objects falling
  • Burns
  • Repetitive Injuries
  • Overexertion
  • Joint Pain
  • Construction site accidents
  • Slips and falls
  • Fractures
  • Hearing loss
  • Machine related
  • Amputations
  • Tool or machinery malfunctions
  • During business travel

If you’re concerned that your injuries or illness may not be covered it’s important to contact an experienced attorney such as the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA. They can assist you with your claim and give you a free consultation and help you with your claim processing. Give them a call today at 470-518-5026 and get started on your claim today. You’ll receive a free consultation and if they don’t think you have a case they will let you know this information so that you can proceed in another direction.

How Long Do You Have to File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Georgia?

Before you file your Workers’ Compensation claim in the state of Georgia, it’s important to notify your employer. You have 30 days to notify your employer of your injury. Make sure to see a Workers’ Compensation doctor for your injuries and keep copies of your reports from your doctor.

You have 1 year from the date of your injury to file your workers’ compensation claim in the state of Georgia. If you fail to file your claim within that time you risk losing out on benefits that you may be due for your injuries. Call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA today at 470-518-5026 and let us help you with your claim. The sooner you file, the sooner you can receive compensation for your injuries. Spend your time recuperating not worrying about how you’re going to pay your medical bills and recoup any lost wages.

At the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA we have the required experience to help our clients file their claims in a timely fashion. Don’t risk losing out on potential benefits, call us today at 470-518-5026 and let us get your claim started.


How to File the Workers’ Comp Claim in Georgia?

In the state of Georgia, the best course of action is to call an attorney who is experienced in the workers’ compensation claims in Conyers, GA. At the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA we have the knowledge and the experience to help you file your claim in a timely manner.

It’s important to file your claim as soon as possible. The sooner you file your claim, the sooner you can begin receiving compensation for your injuries or work-related illness. Your attorney will help you to navigate the court system and file the appropriate documents for your claim. Keep copies of all your paperwork in case you need it again. Make sure to follow all of the doctor’s instructions in your recovery.

To help you with this information, you’ll need to have a copy of the paperwork that you file with your employer, copies of your doctor’s reports, any pictures of your injuries if applicable, and the names and numbers of any potential witnesses to your injury.

workers' compensation claim process in Conyers


Make sure that you’re seeing a physician that is listed by either Workers’ Compensation courts or your employer to ensure that you’re in compliance with all of the requirements for your claim. If you fail to comply with the specific requirements of your workers’ compensation claim you will risk losing your case. Make sure to keep copies of all documentation so that you can produce them if necessary for your case should you need this information at a later date.

If you or someone you know has suffered an injury or become ill while on the job, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation. Notify your employer within 30 days of the injury or illness and fill out all of the required documentation for your employer. Visit a certified Workers’ Compensation doctor and keep copies of all of the details of your case that the doctor gives you. Follow the doctor’s instructions to the letter.

Call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA, at 470-518-5026 and begin the process of filing your claim. You have 1 year from the date of your injury to file your workers’ compensation claim in the state of Georgia. If you fail to file your case within that 1 year time period you will risk losing out on any benefits that may have been due to you for your injuries.

Your potential benefits may include lost wages, potential future lost wages, medical bills, physical therapy, vocational rehab, and more. Don’t risk losing out on such possible benefits. File as soon as possible to ensure that you’re receiving all of the possible benefits that are due to you for your injuries or illness from an on-the-job injury.

Hiring the Professionals Who Know the Workers’ Compensation Claims Process in Conyers

At the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Conyers, GA we understand that no two injuries are the same. We treat each case individually and give you our full attention in regard to your workers’ compensation case. Call us today and let us help you get your claim started before you lose out on any more benefits. You can reach us at 470-518-5026 and we’ll give you a free consultation for your potential claim.

We’ll discuss all of the possibilities with you in detail and determine if you have a claim to file. We don’t charge you anything unless your win your case. If you win your case we receive a percentage of your settlement. You have nothing to lose so call us today at 470-518-5026 and let’s get started on your case before you lose any more money.