Reporting A Work Related Injury in Griffin

While many people associate workplace injuries with construction yards and metal works, it is actually possible to be injured in just about any work environment. The important thing to understand is that there is compensation available for employees injured in the workplace, but it will be important to follow the proper procedures to ensure that you are properly compensated.

As Griffin workers’ compensation attorneys, we are experts in workplace injuries in Georgia. We will share some of the most important information to know about if you have been injured on the job. If you need further assistance in reporting a work-related injury in Griffin, GA, call us at 470-518-5026 .

Table of Contents

Griffin Reporting Work Injury Infographic

How Long Do I Have in Reporting a Work-Related Injury in Griffin, Georgia?

Worker’s compensation is a time-sensitive matter. It is essential that claims are filed and reported on time to ensure your right to compensation is not threatened. Most importantly, you will have 30 days in which to report your workplace injury to your employer. This gives you enough time to have your injuries examined and treated by a medical professional and then deliver the results of this report to your employer.

If you fail to make this report within 30-days your right to worker’s compensation goes void. Please note that the 30-day time frame begins on the date the injury was sustained. In the case of physical conditions and sickness caused by specific activities working in an unhealthy environment, the clock begins counting down from the date you were made aware of this condition through a doctor’s diagnosis.

Who Should I Report My Workplace Injury to?

After sustaining a workplace injury, it will be essential to have your injury examined by an approved medical professional. Your doctor will provide you with a proper diagnosis as well as specific instructions regarding your recovery process.

Then, you will need to make a report of your injury to your employer, immediate supervisor or foreman. There is no requirement that this report be made in writing, but we highly recommend making a written report for a variety of reasons. First, you can make sure all the important details are covered in the report.

Second, by sending an email with your injury report, you have proof the report was made, which will bolster the strength of your claims in case questions arise concerning whether you actually made the report on time.

Employer Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury

After your employer has received the injury report, they are required to take the following steps to begin the claims process.

Post a List of Approved Doctors

Your employer is responsible for having a list of approved worker’s compensation doctors posted where all employees can see. If you don’t know where this list is or have not been provided with one, you can ask your employer or the HR department to provide you with a list of approved doctors.

Record and Report the Injury

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines require your employer to record all injuries that occur in the workplace in their accident records. If the injury resulted in the death or hospitalization of the injured employee, they will have 8 hours to report the injury to OSHA. If the injury resulted in the loss of an eye or the amputation of any body part, they will have 24 hours to make this report.

Concept of reporting a work-related injury in Griffin, GA

Report the Injury to the Insurance Carrier

After your employer has received your injury report, they must file the WC-1 form, called the “Employer’s First Report of Injury or Occupational Disease.” They are required to submit this report for all injuries or conditions that will cause the employee to be absent from work for more than seven (7) days. You will want to ask your employer to provide you with a copy of this report that can go on your records.

Your employer will have exactly 21-days in which to make this report and submit your claim to their insurance carrier. Failure to make this report can result in penalties applied against your employer.

Employee’s Responsibilities After a Workplace Accident

Employees need to do the following.

Obtain Medical Treatment

It is essential that you have your injuries or conditions examined by one of the approved doctors on the list posted by your employer. Failure to do so can result in your claim for worker’s compensation being denied by your employer or their insurance provider.

After examining your injuries or condition, this doctor will provide you with your plan for recovery, which will include how much time you will be excused from work. It is very important to get this in writing as you will need to show this report to your employer.

It is essential that the injured employee receive medical attention for their injuries. The employer for the injured employee or their worker’s compensation insurance carrier will pay for these medical expenses even if the employee does not go to one of the approved workers’ compensation doctors. Follow the recommendations made by your medical professional.

File Your Claim With the State Board of Workers’ Compensation in Georgia

You will also need to file your claim with the SBWC (State Board of Worker’s Compensation). To do this, visit the SWBC website and download a copy of the WC-14 form in PDF. You can also get a copy of this form from your HR department. You will need to submit two copies of this form, one for the SWBC and another for your employer. We also recommend you fill one out for your own personal records.

Make Sure the insurer Is Informed

Don’t assume that everything is running smoothly without checking each step of the way. For example, you will want to contact your employer’s insurance provider to make sure your claim has been made. You can get the information to contact the insurance claims adjuster handling your case from your employer. You can also call your employer or HR department directly to ask them if your case has been filed.

Call the Best Workers’ Comp Lawyers in Griffin, Georgia

There are many details that must be addressed exactly when making a worker’s compensation claim and the slightest discrepancies can result in claims being denied. For this reason, we recommend that you call our team of legal professionals at Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Griffin.

We have handled thousands of these cases and can ensure that nothing stands in between you and your rightful compensation. Call 470-518-5026 today. We will charge you nothing for reviewing your case and providing you with advice on how to proceed.