Reporting A Work Related Injury in Snellville

If you have been injured at work, you are entitled to compensation from your employer’s insurer. However, workplace injury cases can drag on and cause you to miss out on your benefits. The result will be you paying for your medical expenses, surgeries, physical therapy, etc., out of pocket. However, to secure and increase the chances of having compensation, reporting a work injury in Snellville is a must. Call now for more details.

You can ensure that you get the compensation you are owed by hiring a worker’s comp lawyer to represent you. A lawyer who specializes in worker’s comp cases is your best chance of getting full benefits from the insurance company. Remember that the insurance adjusters are usually looking out for the company and not you. You need someone to advocate for your rights, which is why it is advantageous to get a dedicated worker’s comp lawyer.

Hiring a lawyer also reduces the chances of your claim being denied because of insufficient evidence. Once you get a lawyer, they will gather the necessary evidence needed to show the insurance company and the court that your injury is work-related and compensable. The lawyer can conduct depositions of medical experts to build an airtight case for you.

If the insurance company decides to settle, you will need your lawyer present. Most insurance companies try to get the minimum benefits for the employees because they are looking out for the company. Getting a lawyer will ensure that there is someone present to negotiate the settlement for you.

If you are considering hiring a worker’s comp lawyer for your case in Snellville, GA, choose the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition. We are dedicated and experienced worker’s comp lawyers who have been able to get many clients the benefits they deserve. We always aim to meet our client’s expectations because the clients are our priority at all times.

Call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition today and hire the best Snellville worker’s comp lawyers to ensure you get your benefits.

Table of Contents

How Long Do I Have to Report a Work Injury in Snellville, GA?

You have 30 days to report a workplace injury according to Georgia workers’ comp laws. Failure to do this may mean that you will not receive your benefits, or you may receive a reduced amount.

It is always best to report the injury right away because it will be easier to collect evidence, which means that your case will not be too challenging.

Who Do I Have to Report a Workplace Injury to?

You should report the injury to your supervisor. It is always advisable to get the notification written on paper or an accident report form.

Your report should include;

  • Your name and contact details
  • The date and time that your injury occurred
  • Location of the incident that led to the injury
  • How you injured yourself
  • The symptoms that you are experiencing from the injury

Reporting the injury to a co-worker is no sufficient notice and may cause you to lose out on your benefits. It is best to avoid describing symptoms that did not occur as this can be construed as false information and may cause your claim to be denied.

Employer Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury

Your employer has several responsibilities after a workplace injury. These are;

  • Ensuring that the workplace is safe for all employees (to reduce the risk of another workplace injury)
  • Filing the first report of injury: The document should then be forwarded to the insurance carrier immediately.
  • Cooperating with the insurance carrier: There may be a need for documents such as the employee’s personnel file. The employer should provide them but also ensure that the employee’s rights are not violated.
  • Ensuring that the employee can return to work after they recuperate. An employer should not penalize or terminate an employee for filing a worker’s comp claim when injured in the workplace.
  • Assisting the Worker’s Compensation Board to ascertain that there are no fraudulent claims by the employees. Some employees may exaggerate symptoms to get more benefits.

Concept of reporting a work injury in Snellville, Georgia

Employee Responsibility After a Workplace Injury

As an employee, if you are injured at the workplace, your responsibilities are;

  • Reporting the injury to your employer. Note that some employers have the employee record a statement which the insurance company often uses to certify denying a claim. You are not required by law to make a recorded statement. It is advisable to make recorded statements only with your lawyer present.
  • Keep a written journal to document who you talk to and when you do. If you have written communication via phone, you can also take screenshots.
  • Get medical attention from an authorized treating physician. You should ask your employer for a list of the approved physicians that you can see. It is best to get treatment from an authorized physician as getting your own could mean paying out of pocket. A personal physician is often not covered by workers comp.
  • Agreeing to an independent medical evaluation from your insurance carrier.
  • Getting a lawyer to represent you in your worker’s comp case.

Call Us Today When Reporting a Work Injury in Snellville, GA

The Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Snellville, GA, is the right place to call when you are involved in a workplace injury and need to report your injury. We can help you by:

  • Ensuring that you write the required information and avoid details that may be used by the insurance company against you. When you report the injury without legal counsel, you put yourself at risk of getting your claim denied. The insurance company may claim that you are exaggerating your injuries or that your injury does not qualify as compensable.
  • Advising you to avoid leaking information that may be used against you by the insurance company. It may include information posted on your social media pages that could give the insurance company ammunition against you. This could have devastating consequences for your claim.
  • Gathering the necessary evidence that shows you qualify for worker’s comp from your employer’s carrier.

Why get stressed about filing for a worker’s comp claim? Call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition today and get the most dedicated lawyers in Snellville, GA to represent you.