Workers’ Compensation in Georgia: Police Officers

In many cases, people get hurt or injured while doing their duties. Most of these individuals are eligible for workers’ compensation in Georgia. The workers’ compensation benefits address the worker’s expenses on the treatment. Another advantage is that the worker receives a percentage of their wage while recovering from the injuries.

While workers’ compensation laws apply to everyone, there are some professions and occupations in which the workers are at high risk of getting hurt. People having such jobs may be entitled to additional benefits and security. These extra benefits help their motivation and also help them address their financial needs while recovering from work-related injuries.

Relatively little is known about the non-fatal injuries to U.S. police officers. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published research conducted on National Police Foundation. The study included the data provided by 67 U.S. hospitals. The data consisted of several work-related injuries that law enforcement officers sustained throughout 12 years. The findings suggested that the injury rate of law enforcement officers was 635 per 10,000. The most common body parts to get injured were hands, fingers, and lower body extremities. The most common diagnoses given to the officers include sprains and strains. 93% of the police officers expressed their concerns about their safety on their duty.

Worker Compensation for the Police Officers:

The people serving in police might want to know the benefits of workers’ compensation in Georgia. The police officers should ensure they receive full benefits and protection following an injury or work-related health condition.

For most workers, a temporary or permanent disability can take a toll on their performance, rendering them unable to earn as much as they would have without the injury. In such situations, it is necessary to provide compensation for a percentage of wage that the injured person cannot earn while recovering from the wounds.

However, according to California law, police officers are entitled to receive complete salary compensation during their temporary leave of absence to recover from an injury or illness that arose out of their duties. The leave of absence can continue for even a year. After the termination of the leave, the worker might still continue to receive workers’ compensation and disability benefits.

Determining Whether the Injuries Are Work-Related:

One issue that a worker might face while claiming workers’ compensation benefits is determining whether the condition is work-related or not. For police officers, California law states that certain conditions can be due to the job duties. In such circumstances, California law allows the officers to avail themselves of the workers’ compensation benefits without demonstrating that a specific accident caused those health conditions.

The health conditions and illnesses that are presumed to be work-related for police officers include:

  • Pneumonia
  • Hernia
  • Cancer
  • Leukemia as a result of carcinogen exposure
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Infectious, viral, or contagious diseases, for instance, COVID
  • Injuries caused by toxic biochemical substances
  • Meningitis
  • Brain or spinal injuries
  • Heart issues that might include coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, enlarged heart, and other cardiovascular disorders
  • Lower-back disorders for officers who are required to use a duty belt to carry firearms, handcuffs, batons, and other tools

Which Officers are Eligible for Receiving Disability Benefits?
Law enforcement personnel put their lives at risk in order to fulfill their duty to protect and serve. They are at relatively high risk of temporary or permanent disabilities. The officers eligible for full worker’s compensation disability benefits include city police officers, county probation officers, county peace officers, airport law enforcement officers, harbor or port police officers, sheriffs, and other officers or employees who work under the sheriff.

Unfortunately, many police officers lose their lives in the line of duty. If an officer dies while performing their duties, their family will be entitled to the benefits through the workers’ compensation system.

Receiving Workers’ Compensation in Georgia:

The police officers must ensure that they receive full benefits of workers’ compensation in Georgia. Sometimes even when the injuries are presumed to be work-related for the police officers, the authorities might try to refute their workers’ compensation benefits. The officers are required to take legal action to ensure they receive the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve in such cases. If you have suffered an injury at work and are looking for professional help to claim your right, the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition can assist you in your endeavor. We will help you file a claim and help you throughout the legal process of protecting your rights. Contact our skilled and the best attorneys today!