Reporting a Work Related Injury in Atlanta

Workers’ compensation, also referred to as workers’ comp, is a government-mandated form of insurance that provides monetary benefits to workers who get injured or sick in the course of their employment.

Such benefits are awarded to cover the medical costs and lost wages of injured or ill workers who may find themselves off their workplaces for a long time. You may need the help of an Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer when reporting a work related injury in Atlanta.

According to Georgia law, companies that employ three or more workers, including part-time workers, are expected to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage.

In workers’ comp claims, injured employees are awarded benefits for their damages, and in turn, are required to give up their right of further pursuing their employer or taking any other legal action.

Workers’ comp claims aren’t always smooth sailing for employees as some employers may seek to deprive them of their full benefits. It is important to work with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer before filing your claim to ensure that you get all the benefits you’re entitled to and that you file your claim in time.

If you’re looking to start your claim process, call us today at Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta at 470-518-5026 to find out the benefits you’re entitled to in your claim.

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How Long Do I Have In Reporting A Work-Related Injury in Atlanta?

According to the Georgia workers’ compensation laws, an injured employee should provide their employer a prompt notice of their work injuries. Specifically, the law provides that employees who suffer a workplace injury have 30 days to report that injury to their employer.

The 30-day notice provision was included in the workers’ comp law of Georgia to provide employers with ample time to investigate the injury claim while credible evidence is still available.

Failure to report your injury before this 30-day period lapses, you may lose your right to receive workers’ comp benefits.

Who Do I Contact When Reporting A Work-Related Injury in Atlanta To?

If you have been injured following a work-related accident or fallen ill in the course of employment, it is imperative that you be timely when reporting a work-related injury in Atlanta or illness to your employer within the allowable time.

In the absence of your employer, you can begin reporting a work-related injury in Atlanta to their representative, your immediate supervisor, or your foreman.


What Are the Employer Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury?

Even before a workplace injury, employers are required to provide their employees with a safe workplace. In the event of a workplace injury, the employer is supposed to gather all the facts of the accident. These facts should then be shared with the insurance company.

According to Georgia law, employers should inform their insurance companies of employee injuries, no matter how minor they may be.

All the details of an employee’s injury are reported to their insurance company in the First Report of Injury or similar document.

After reporting a work-related injury in Atlanta to the insurance company, the insurer is then required to report the injury to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) within 24 hours.

Employers should also ensure that their employees receive medical treatment following their injury. This is done by providing the employees with a list of doctors on their panel of physicians.

The employer allows an employee to choose a doctor from this list to serve as their car provider.

If need be, the employer should send the employee to an approved specialist for further medical evaluation.

This is an image of a person filling out a form while reporting a work related injury in Atlanta

What Are the Employee Responsibilities After a Workplace Injury?

Here are some of the employee’s responsibilities in a workers’ compensation claim:

Report the Injury to the Employer

Whenever a workplace injury occurs, there are various things an employee needs to do to protect their right to receive workers’ comp benefits. First off, it is the employee’s responsibility to report their workplace injury, and in a timely manner.

Essentially, they should be reporting a work-related injury in Atlanta immediately and should not wait until the 30-day time limit lapses.

Seek Medical Treatment

Employees should also ensure that they receive medical treatment following their injury. They should make an appointment with an approved doctor, and as directed by their employer.

Seeking treatment for another doctor, other than those approved by your employer could make you lose your right to receive your workers’ comp benefits.

File a Claim

Employees who have suffered a workplace injury in Georgia are also required to complete Form WC-14 and file it with the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation. A copy of the same form should be sent to the employer and their workers’ compensation insurance carrier.

Keep Records

Another responsibility accorded to employees is keeping the various reports in a workers’ comp claim safe. They should ask their employers for a copy of the report filed with their insurer. Employers should also keep a copy of the Form WC-14 filed with the State Board.

Update the Employer

Employees should also keep their employer updated. For instance, if a doctor instructs you to take time off work, you should put this in writing and submit it to your employer.

Where a doctor gets you off work indefinitely, communicate this to your employer and find out how frequently they need you to call in.

Why is it Important to Call a Lawyer When Reporting A Work-Related Injury in Atlanta?

Before you can begin your claim process in Atlanta, it is important to reach out to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. A lawyer will guide you through the process and will help you avoid common pitfalls in workers’ compensation claim processes.

Working with an Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer will ensure that your right to receive workers’ comp benefits is protected. Further, a lawyer will represent you and ensure that your claim isn’t denied unfairly.

This is an image of an injured person reporting a work related injury in atlanta to their lawyer

Contact Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta for Help When Reporting a Work-Related Injury In Atlanta

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance coverage mandated by the government to protect employees financially in the event of work-related injuries. Employees who get injured or ill in the course of employment are generally eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

It is normal for workers’ comp claims to get contentious, as employers may cite various reasons to deny your claim. Having a workers’ comp lawyer represent you can help avoid the denial of your claim and ensure that you receive all your workers’ compensation benefits.

If you have been injured in your workplace and wish to file a claim, call us at Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta today at 470-518-5026 to find out your legal rights and options in your case.