Reporting A Work Related Injury in Douglasville

Reporting a work-related injury in Douglasville is the first and perhaps the most important step in your workers’ compensation claim. If your employer does not know that you have been injured, then they cannot claim from their insurance carrier and provide you the benefits that are due to you.

However, before you report an injury that occurred in the workplace while you were doing your job, you may want to consider calling a lawyer who is experienced in dealing with workers’ compensation cases. Your employer and their insurance carrier are going to go to great lengths to deny your claim.

Workers’ compensation Lawyers in Douglasville will do their utmost to ensure that your benefits are approved and paid. Give us a call today for more information on reporting your injury and filing your claim for workers’ compensation.

Table of Contents

Timeline for Reporting a Work-Related Injury in Douglasville, Georgia?

You have 30 days from the date of your injury to report that you have been injured in the workplace to your employer. However, it is highly recommended to report the injury as soon as possible. If you wait too long and miss the deadline, your employer and their insurance are no longer obligated to pay your benefits.

This means that you will have to pay for your own medical care and that you will not receive any income benefits while you are recovering from your injury and unable to work.

Man injures his leg on a construction site

To Whom Must I Report A Workplace Injury?

Most companies, businesses, and organizations have one or more designated persons to whom a work-related injury should be reported. If you are unsure who that is, report the injury to your supervisor or manager. You can also report the injury to the HR (Human Resources) department or person in the organization.

Your employer may require that you make a report in writing and/or complete an incident report. You don’t have to do this if you feel that it may negatively impact your case.

There is one exception to the rule – if it can be presumed that your employer already knew about your injury, then you don’t have to report it. For example, if they provided first aid or called an ambulance to take you to the hospital, it is clear that they were aware of the injury and are obligated to take steps to ensure that you are paid workers’ compensation.


Douglasville Reporting Work Related Injury Infographic


What Are The Employers’ Responsibilities After A Workplace Injury?

Your employer is required by law to provide immediate medical care. This may be in the form of first aid for minor injuries or calling an ambulance to take you to the hospital if you were seriously injured.

They must also provide you with a list of doctors who are authorized by their insurance carrier to provide ongoing treatment. If you disagree with the diagnosis or treatment, then you have the right to a second opinion from another authorized doctor or to submit to an independent medical evaluation. If you do not use an authorized doctor, the insurance carrier may not cover your medical expenses.

Your employer is obligated to inform their insurance carrier within 7 days of reporting your injury after investigating the incident that caused the injury. The insurance carrier will then decide whether your workers’ compensation claim will be awarded or denied. The investigation is primarily to ensure that the injury is compensable (if it will be covered by workers’ comp) or not.

Your employer is also obligated to offer you “light duties” until you are able to return to work in your full capacity. Light duties may mean reduced hours or working in a position that won’t aggravate your injury. However, an employer and their insurance carrier may use light duties to force you to return to work sooner than you should to avoid paying full benefits to you.

If the injury you sustained results in permanent disability and you cannot return to work in your former capacity, your employer must provide occupational therapy. Occupational therapy will help you learn new skills so that you are able to either return to the same employer in a different position in the company or to seek other employment.

You should only return to work once you have been cleared by your doctor to do so. If you feel that you are being pressured to accept light duties, give WCL, Atlanta a call for assistance.

What Are The Employees’ Responsibilities After A Workplace Injury?

The most important responsibility that you have is to report your injury to your employer in Douglasville, GA as soon as possible. It is recommended to keep your own record of when you reported the injury to whom and other details that may be important later on. Write down details of the incident that caused the injury and keep all medical records.

You must use a doctor that has been authorized by the insurance carrier or you will lose benefits. You are also required to follow any instructions that the doctor gives you. Remember that the goal of your employer and the insurance carrier is to get you to return to work quickly. If you fail to follow instructions, then you are delaying your recovery and your benefits will be forfeit.

You have to return to work as soon as you have recovered and your doctor has cleared you either for light duties or in your full, former capacity. If you delay returning to work, you will lose your benefits – past, present and future. However, if your doctor clears you to work but you don’t feel that you have fully recovered, you can request a second opinion.

If at any point a dispute arises regarding the responsibilities of your employer or yourself, then you should contact a lawyer. However, prevention is the best course of action and hiring a lawyer at the start of the entire process will help avoid any disputes that could result in the denial or loss of benefits.

Call the Workers’ Compensation Coalition today if you need to report your work-related injury in Douglasville.