Workers’ Comp MMI in Dublin

Being in a situation where you are recovering from a workplace injury can be tough. You will want to get better but there might come a point when you can’t. This is known as Maximum Medical Improvement diagnosis and it is something a lot of employees deal with in the state of Georgia.

If your treating doctor has told you you’ve reached Maximum Medical improvement in Dublin, GA, you are going to want to reach out to the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition. Give our Dublin workers’ compensation lawyers a call at 470-518-5026 and learn more about how this type of diagnosis of MMI is going to impact your ability to receive benefits.

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What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?

There are significant hurdles that come along with a person’s medical condition when they have been hurt at work. It is this recovery phase that has to be handled with a lot of care and it should be in the hands of a seasoned medical professional. This is why at the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition, we always recommend taking care of your health before anything else. It is the only way to ensure you are safe and can move forward with the benefits that you richly deserve.

In general, Maximum Medical Improvement refers to the final point in your recovery where you can’t get any better than what you are right now. This is a statement that is given by the medical professional presiding over your case at that time. This is key information because it will allow you to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits without any other improvement available to you. This can make it easier to get the benefits that you are filing for in Georgia.

If you want to learn more about what this refers to and how it is going to work in your situation, call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition at 470-518-5026 .


Workers Comp Maximum Medical Improvement in Dublin Infographic

Who Decides If You’re at Maximum Medical Improvement in Dublin?

When you are recovering, there is going to be a medical professional presiding over your case. They are going to be responsible for everything associated with the case including your treatment plan. When it comes to maximum medical improvement diagnosis, you are going to want to have this medical professional cite this officially.

Since they are a reputable and accredited medical professional, they will have the right to make this type of diagnosis on your behalf. They will have to clarify why that is the case and what type of treatment has already been used. This will then be assessed by the state of Georgia before moving forward with the benefits.

What If You Can’t Return to Work in the Same Capacity?

One of the most important questions a person will have involves their ability to go back to work. It is also important to think about whether or not you are going to be able to work the same way as you used to before the injury. There are stringent rules when it comes to something like this. You are going to have the MMI diagnosis in your hands and go from there.

An employee that has reached Maximum Medical Improvement in Dublin can move forward with a proper claim. This is going to help because you can move forward with the workers’ compensation benefits quickly. You will have the opportunity to show you can’t get better than you are and this will allow you to file for temporary or permanent benefits.

This information is also going to be used based on a separate workers’ compensation calculation in the state of Georgia. This includes finding the difference between your old and current wage. This is going to be used to find how much you will receive in benefits.

To learn more about how this all works and how it applies to you, call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition at 470-518-5026 .

Why Choose Our Lawyers?

We will want to take the time to speak to you as soon as we can.

At the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition, we are all about sitting down and consulting with our clients. We know you are going to have several questions when it comes to a process such as this. It is important to dive through each aspect of the process and go from there.

It is the only option that you are going to have when it comes to doing things the right way. We will have specialists that have done this beforehand and will know what is needed once the consultation begins. By sitting down with us, you are not going to have to worry about filing the right claim.

When you are dealing with a Dublin Maximum Medical Improvement diagnosis, you are going to want to have all of the evidence in hand for a legal claim. This is a must in Dublin and something that should be done with a lot of care.

For those who are going to be working with the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition, it is time to call us at 470-518-5026 immediately.

Contact Our Dublin Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

If you have reached maximum medical improvement, you probably want to know how it will impact your workers’ comp benefits. We realize this is one of those moments where you are going to want as many answers as possible. You will want to make sure the claim goes through as you want it to and no mistakes are being made along the way.

With our help at the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition, you are going to find out what works and what doesn’t. This is key information that will allow you to make decisions promptly with our guidance.

Our goal is to help our clients in Dublin and throughout Georgia get the compensation they deserve. With the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition, you are going to know everything will be handled with dedication and we are not going to waste your time.

For a free case review and consultation, call us at 470-518-5026 .