If you or a coworker has been injured on the job, you may be entitled to a workers’ compensation claim. Your employer will have instructions posted for you on how to file a workers’ compensation claim. It’s important to follow your employer’s instructions so that your claim will be valid. On the posting, your employer will also have a list of doctors, hospitals, or emergency rooms that have been pre-approved to treat your medical condition.
After you’ve seen your doctor, give our Rex workers’ compensation lawyers a call so that you can file your workers’ compensation claim. We’ll give you a free consultation in regards to your claim. Bring all of your copies of your injury documentation, doctor’s instructions, and medications with you to this appointment. You may have reached Maximum Medical Improvement in Rex, Georgia. We can help you to further understand this term as well.
Give us a call at 470-518-5026 and we’ll set up your free consultation and assist you in filing your claim. Don’t sign anything until you’ve spoken to us, you don’t want to risk losing out on your workers’ compensation claim.
With decades of experience in workers’ compensation claims, the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Rex, GA can help you to navigate the court system and get the compensation that you deserve for your injuries. Give us a call today at 470-518-5026 and let’s get started on your claim.
Table of Contents
What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?
Maximum Medical Improvement refers to the maximum amount of healing that your body has achieved. In some cases, you’ll be able to return to a normal activity level that you were at prior to your injury. Occasionally, you will find that you have only healed to a certain point and you’re not going to be able to recover any further.
Each case is unique even with the same type of injury. Healing and recovery will be dependent upon the severity of your injuries, your age and your body’s ability to recover, and the exact nature of your injuries.
Who Decides You Have Reached Maximum Medical Improvement in Rex?
The only person that can determine when an employee has achieved maximum medical improvement is the employee’s physician. However, it’s important to understand that the workers’ compensation insurance company reserves the right to request an independent medical examination and a second opinion in regards to whether or not a person has achieved maximum medical improvement.
Will Medical Treatment Continue After an MMI Diagnosis in Rex, GA?
Once the employee has reached maximum medical improvement in Rex, the treatments will cease as the insurance company will no longer pay for the costs of the treatment. Most workers’ compensation insurance companies require that a person submits to a second opinion and an independent physical exam by another physician before they will agree to a maximum medical improvement diagnosis.
For this reason, it’s important that the employee keep all of their medical appointments in regards to treating their injuries or illnesses that happen on the job.
What If You Cannot Return to Work and Perform the Same After MMI?
If the employee cannot return to work and perform their job at the same level after a maximum medical improvement diagnosis, they may be eligible for job retraining. They may also be assigned a disability rating. Dependent upon such a rating, the employee may be eligible to file for a disability.
Depending on the level of disability, the employee would receive benefits that are commensurate with the former job level and their abilities. At Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Rex, GA we understand that this is a difficult time and that you need answers. Give us a call at 470-518-5026 and let us help you to navigate this diagnosis and what is due to your compensation.
What to Do After a Workplace Injury
If you or a coworker has been injured at work, you may be entitled to a workers’ compensation claim. Follow your employer’s injury reporting policy (which should be posted on the wall in a common area of your workplace). Keep copies of the report you file with your employer.
Seek medical attention following the protocol that is dictated by your employer. You’ll need to see one of the physicians that are approved on the list for workers’ compensation claims. Keep copies of all of the instructions from your doctor in regards to your injuries.
Remember, you only have 30 days to report your injury to your employer and one year from the date of your injury in which to file your claim. The sooner you call, the sooner you can receive compensation for your injuries. We look forward to helping you with your claim.
Before you sign anything, call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Rex, GA at 470-518-5026 to receive your free consultation in regards to your workers’ compensation claim. If you receive a maximum medical improvement diagnosis, you can also call us and we’ll help you to understand your claim and how to proceed with your claim.
Contact Our Rex Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
The Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Rex, GA works closely with employees who are struggling to understand their maximum medical improvement. We can assist you in understanding and navigating the court system and receiving the maximum workers’ compensation benefits possible for your injuries.
Give us a call today at 470-518-5026 and let us help you file the required paperwork and documents so that you can receive your workers’ compensation claim for your injuries. You may be entitled to medical benefits including reimbursement for your medications, physical therapy, job retraining (if necessary), lost wages, and more.
We have decades of experience in workers’ compensation claims and can help you to navigate your workers’ compensation claim and diagnosis of maximum medical improvement. The sooner you call us, the sooner you can begin to recover from your injuries and maximum medical improvement. Call us today at 470-518-5026 and let’s get started on your claim.