If you are injured while on the job in Stockbridge, Georgia, you may be eligible for a workers’ compensation claim. You’ll have to follow the correct workers’ compensation claims process in Stockbridge, GA to get compensation. Each must carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have three or more employees who work part-time or full-time. You need to report an injury within 30 days and see an approved doctor. The company will also have a list of workers’ compensation-approved doctors.
After you’ve seen the doctor you’ll want to get your claim started as soon as possible. The sooner you start your claim the sooner you’re going to receive financial relief for your injuries. Contact the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition for a free consultation with a Stockbridge workers’ compensation attorney. Bring copies of your report to your employer as well as all of the reports that the doctor gives you regarding your condition to your free consultation.
You can reach us at 470-518-5026 and we’ll set up your free consultation on your workers’ comp claim. You may be eligible for payment of all of your medical bills regarding your injury, medications that treat your condition, two-thirds of your weekly pay, physical therapy, job training if you can’t return to your former job and more. Call us as soon as possible after you’ve seen your doctor so that we can help you get your claim started right away.
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How Can I Know If My Injury Will Be Covered By a Workers’ Comp Claim?
To be eligible for a workers’ compensation claim in Georgia, your injury must have happened while you were on the job. If your injury happens while you’re on a break or during lunch it may not be covered unless you were performing your job as you normally would.
The state of Georgia requires every employer who has three employees or more that work either part-time or full-time to have Workers’ Compensation insurance. The employer will have a poster-type page posted on the wall in a break room or a common area that all employees have access to. Be sure to read over this poster so that you’re familiar with the guidelines for your workplace.
Every job that is performed at a workplace has the potential for injury regardless of the type of job. There can be hazards at every level of employment from office jobs to janitorial jobs as well as construction and other types of jobs. Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to help pay your medical bills for workplace injuries as well as some other forms of compensation.
Here is a list of some of the more common workplace injuries that may be covered in a workers’ compensation policy. Keep in mind that this list is not a complete list and each injury will be evaluated by a medical professional before it can be fully determined as to whether or not the employee can claim workers’ compensation.
Common injuries include:
- Car or vehicular accidents
- Machine related
- Slips
- Falls
- Fallen objects
- Fractures
- Industrial accidents
- Heat or chemical burns
- Injuries while traveling for business
- Tool malfunctions
- Machinery malfunctions
- Overexertion
- Joint injuries
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Joint pain
- Back Injuries
- Neck Injuries
- Amputation
- Hearing Loss
- Constructions site accidents
It’s important to follow all safety protocols at work and to report injuries as soon as possible. Keep in mind that workplace injuries must be reported within 30 days of the injury to be eligible for workers’ compensation. Most employers prefer that employees report their injuries as quickly as possible after the injury occurs.
How Long Do You Have to File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Stockbridge, Georgia?
Legally you have one year from the date of your workplace injury to file your workers’ compensation claim. It’s strongly suggested that employees file their workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible to help meet their medical bills and other bills when they’re unable to work due to their injuries.
How to File the Workers’ Comp Claim in Stockbridge Georgia?
Call the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Stockbridge, GA to help you file your workers’ compensation claim. We’ve been in the business of filing workers’ compensation claims for many decades and have the experience and expertise to help you file your claim in a timely fashion. We offer a free consultation for our services and will review your case free of charge. If we don’t think you have a case, we’ll tell you so at that time.
Call us today at 470-518-5026 and let’s get you scheduled for a free consultation. We’ll file your workers’ compensation claim for you so that you can concentrate on your recovery. The sooner you file your claim the sooner you’ll be able to relax and focus on healing from your injuries.
Get Help With the Workers’ Compensation Claims Process in Stockbridge
If you or someone you work with has been injured while you’re on the job, you may be eligible for a workers’ compensation claim. Follow the protocol your employer has laid out for reporting an on-the-job injury. Keep copies of the report that you give to your employer. Seek medical attention with a workers’ compensation approved doctor. There should be a list of at least six workers’ compensation approved doctors located on a wall with the reporting requirements in a break or lunchroom or where you punch your time card.
Keep copies of the information that your doctor gives to you about your condition as well as copies of any medications that you’re required to take for your recovery. Contact the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Stockbridge, GA at 470-518-5026 and set up an appointment for your free consultation for your workers’ compensation claim. Bring your information with you to your appointments and let us help you file your claim before your one-year time frame is out. The sooner you file the sooner you’ll get some financial relief.