What Workers Comp Lawyers Won’t Tell You

When you meet with an Atlanta workers comp lawyer for the first time, you must pay attention to everything they tell you. In our experience, many clients came to us after wasting valuable time being represented by a subpar law firm, which did very little to help them.

Thus, here are some of the things that an experienced and dedicated workers compensation attorney will never tell you.

You Need to Sign the Retainer Agreement Now

Skilled lawyers never pressure a potential client to sign an agreement during the free case review. We know that you need time to think and maybe seek advice from other legal professionals before you make a decision.

What we will tell you is that you should not wait too long before filing a workers compensation claim. In Georgia, you must report your injury to your employer within 30 days after the date of the accident. After this, the employer and their insurance company have 21 days to investigate the injury and file the injury report with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation.

If you delay reporting the accident, chances are that the insurance company will deny it. They may claim that you were not injured on the job or that you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs when you got injured and tried to avoid taking the drug test.

You Have to Pay Upfront Fees for Legal Representation

A professional law firm will never charge upfront fees for representation in a workers’ comp case. All our lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that we get paid when we obtain your benefits or settle your claim, by retaining a percentage out of the total amount.

a reputable workers comp attorney won't give misleading information

You Will Get Benefits Until You Are Fully Healed

While this is not untrue, it is misleading. Most injured workers will recover within a few weeks or months and go back to work, fully healed. However, an experienced Atlanta workers comp attorney knows that some people suffer catastrophic injuries, which may take a long time to reach maximum medical improvement.

However, in Georgia, workers comp benefits are payable for a maximum of 400 weeks. This is a generous period of time, compared to other US states. But it may not be enough if you are left unable to work.

Instead, a skilled lawyer will tell you that you may qualify for disability benefits or the Social Security Disability Insurance program.

We Will Assign Our Best Paralegal to Your Case

While paralegals assist with workers comp claims by gathering and organizing documentation, the majority of the casework should be handled by an experienced attorney.

Our team of lawyers gives every case personal attention. You can rest assured that your claim is competently negotiated by a legal professional who has in-depth knowledge of the law and hands-on experience in similar cases.

If the Insurance Company Offers a Settlement, You Should Accept It

Insurance companies will never make a fair offer, which covers all your eligible benefits. If they offer to settle your claim, they generally foresee that you will require extensive medical care over a long period of time. Any lawyer who would advise you to take the offer is just looking for a quick payout with minimal effort.

Our law firm will evaluate your case carefully and talk to your workers comp doctor to understand the severity of your injuries. Based on this information, we will evaluate how long you will be out of work due to your accident.

When the insurer offers a quick settlement, we will counter it with a demand that represents the true value of the medical care and replacement wages you should receive.

Call Our Experienced Atlanta Workers Comp Lawyers!

A workplace accident can result in severe injuries and the uncertainty of whether you may be able to do the same work in the future. Under Georgia law, you have the right to have your medical care costs covered by your employer and to receive replacement wages.

However, you may not get a fair deal if you do not hire an experienced Atlanta workers compensation lawyer. At our law firm, we have a proven track record of winning our clients’ cases. We will assign an experienced attorney to your case and you will get their full attention until you get the benefits you deserve.

We offer each new client a free case review, so call us today at 470-518-5026 to schedule your initial appointment!