Workers’ Comp MMI in Alpharetta

Employees suffer injuries and fall ill because of their duties. When you have fallen ill or injured yourself in the workplace in Alpharetta, you are entitled to claim compensation under workers’ compensation insurance in Georgia. Workers’ compensation claims are complicated and require the assistance of a professional workers’ compensation attorney that handles Alpharetta maximum medical improvement cases.

Alpharetta has plenty of workers’ compensation lawyers, but all of them are not top-notch. Your research is crucial to selecting the best WC lawyer to handle your claim. Your employer and his insurance company will rely on the best WC lawyers in town to defend their side of the case.

When you are searching for the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Alpharetta, you don’t need to look further than the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta. We are one of the best personal injury law firms operating in the region. Our team of personal injury lawyers has handled hundreds of worker’s compensation claims and won millions of dollars on behalf of their clients. That is why many injured workers in Alpharetta turn to us to handle their cases.

The personal injury lawyers at Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta treat you as a person and not just a number. Your case is very important to us because it is to you. You don’t have to worry about how you will pay us because we work on a contingency basis. We charge you only after we win your case and get the workers’ compensation benefits you need.

When you are injured at work, dealing with insurance companies and their lawyers can be overwhelming. Trust in our WC lawyers to take care of your claim while you focus on healing your injuries. Contact Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta to get an evaluation of your case and know your legal rights in Alpharetta GA.

Table of Contents

What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is when an injured employee’s injuries have improved as much as medically possible but may still suffer from pain and disability for the rest of his or her life. The medical professional will determine that the employee will not continue to get better since he or she has reached the maximum improvement. MMI can occur while the employee is still receiving treatment. The purpose of treatments is to maintain a certain level of functionality in the employee. The treatments can be ongoing if it deals with pain management.

The employee will be assigned a permanent partial disability rating – which represents the reduced functions of the body. This rating may vary depending on the body part that was injured in the accident. The permanent partial disability rating plays an important part in calculating the disability benefits the employee should receive.

Who Determines When The Employee Has Achieved Alpharetta Maximum Medical Improvement?

A qualified medical practitioner should determine that the employee has achieved maximum medical improvement or MMI. The employer, insurance company, physical therapist, or any other person cannot determine the maximum medical improvement of the injured employee. Only the authorized treating physician has the right to determine MMI. In fact, even if the injured worker feels that he or she has improved and is good to go, he or she can’t receive any disability benefits without the treating physician’s authorization.

Once the injured worker has reached MMI, he or she will be assigned a permanent partial disability rating. Georgia’s state legislature has established a formula to calculate the rating into a dollar amount. Each body part of the injured employee is worth a different amount of weeks of disability benefits as per Georgia’s workers’ compensation law.

Just because an injured employee has reached MMI, it doesn’t mean that temporary disability benefits should stop. Georgia law guarantees these benefits to the injured employee even after he or she has reached MMI. Most of the time, when the injured worker reaches MMI, it is time to settle the case. You should discuss your medical treatment with your WC lawyer at all times so that he or she can determine the best time to resolve your case.

Alpharetta Maximum Medical Improvement Infographic

Does Medical Treatment Continue After an MMI Diagnosis?

Generally, medical treatment can continue even after you reach maximum medical improvement when you are not approved for work without restrictions. Even if your physician determines that you are at your MMI, you can get a second opinion from another doctor if you don’t think that’s true. If the second doctor decides that there are other treatments to improve your condition, workers’ comp may pay for additional care.

What Happens If You Cannot Return to Work and Perform at the Same Level After Your MMI Diagnosis?

If your employer cannot offer you another position, WC will provide you with vocational rehabilitation. It means you should meet with a vocational counselor to get a weekly list of job interviews that you are bound to attend or lose your benefits.

Call Us Today to Understand Your Alpharetta Maximum Medical Improvement!

Once you realize the significance of reaching MMI has on your future, it’s easy to see why you need a good WC lawyer to handle your case. You need an Alpharetta work injury lawyer who has handled similar cases in the past and knows how to deal with your specific situation. He or she should have in-depth experience and a track record of handling successful WC claims in Alpharetta GA.

The personal injury lawyers at Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta are highly specialized in dealing with workers’ compensation lawsuits in Alpharetta. They understand the impact of your injury and reaching MMI has had on every area of your life. They are your perfect choice to represent you at any stage of the workers’ compensation process.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney to Discuss Your Maximum Medical Improvement

When you are injured at work, you are entitled to claim compensation from your employer’s WC insurance. Georgia’s workers’ compensation law is complicated and requires professional assistance in handling your claim. Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta is your trusted partner in Alpharetta to handle your claim. Contact Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition Atlanta to get a free evaluation of your case and know your legal rights in Alpharetta GA.