Workers Compensation Disputes in Cartersville, GA

If you, or someone you love, has been injured or become ill on the job you may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits. A workers’ compensation claim can be difficult enough to navigate.  We have seen our fair share of workers compensation disputes in Cartersville. You may be dealing with a long and painful recovery that keeps you from thinking clearly. You may have injuries that require you to learn a new skill set or prevent you from working entirely.

It’s important to file your workers’ compensation claim in a timely fashion. In the state of Georgia, you have 1 year from the date of your injury or illness in which to file your claim. In some cases, you only have 30 days so it’s important to file your claim as soon as possible after you’ve been injured or become ill. It’s also important because if you wait too long, the important details that may make or break your case may become lost. If you or someone you love has been injured or become ill, you deserve fair legal representation in a court of law.

Give the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Cartersville, GA a call today at 470-518-5026 , don’t go it alone. Our Cartersville workers comp attorneys are here to help you maximize your claim.

Trust a professional to recoup your compensation and get the monies that are due to you for your illness or injury. You may be entitled to lost wages, pain and suffering, job training, medical bills, rehabilitation costs for your care, and more. Don’t risk missing out on any benefits or compensation that are due to you. Call us today and let us help you navigate the court system.

Table of Contents

Cartersville Workers Compensation Disputes Infographic

Causes Of Workers Compensation Disputes

There are many reasons that Workers Compensation may be disputed. The laws are worded very carefully to ensure that employees are covered and that employers are taking care of their employees. However, when someone is injured or becomes ill, the insurance companies require that specific actions take place and that specific circumstance may dictate whether or not the compensation claim will be eligible to pay out to the employee.

Here are a few examples of reasons for such Workers’ Compensation Disputes:

  • The employee didn’t require time off for their illness or injury.
  • Employment status (the employee didn’t qualify for compensation per their employment status).
  • Outside scope of employment (not in the employee’s job description or not their department).
  • Lack of causation (lack of medical information).
  • Missed deadlines (paperwork wasn’t filed in a timely fashion).
  • Inadequate information (not all the paperwork is filled out or there is missing information/details).

What To Do If Your Workers Compensation Is Denied In Georgia

If you filed a Workers’ Compensation claim in the state of Georgia and it was denied, you have the right to request a hearing before the Industrial Commission. Before you do this, you’ll want to hire an attorney who specializes in Workers’ Compensation claims such as the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Cartersville, GA.

Give them a call at 470-518-5026 and let them help you to navigate the court system to ensure that your claim has all of the vital and pertinent information it requires for you to receive the compensation that you deserve for your injuries or illness.

What Should you do if your workers compensation claim was denied?

Types Of Workers Compensation Disputes in Cartersville

It’s important to understand that Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance program that is paid out by an insurance company to employees. The program is paid for by the employer. These insurance programs are important as they ensure that ill or injured employees are fairly compensated should they become ill or injured while on the job.

These insurances are in place from the moment that an employee is hired for the job. Should an employee die due to their illness or injury, the employees children and spouse would typically be the recipients of the compensation. There are two main types of Workers’ Compensation in the State of Georgia.

  • Medical Disputes
  • Claim Disputes

Workers Compensation Disputes in Cartersville And Appeals Process In The State Of Georgia

If you or someone you love has been injured or become ill on the job due to no fault of your own, you may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation. It’s important to file your case within 1 year from the date of the incident in order to receive compensation. In many cases, if you fail to start your claim within 30 days you may be denied your claim.

While you can represent yourself in a court of law, it’s strongly encouraged to hire a professional attorney who is familiar with Workers’ Compensation laws to ensure that you’re fairly represented, after all, your boss is going to have an attorney present for their side of the story.

Call a professional like Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Cartersville, GA at 470-518-5026 to ensure that you’re fairly represented in a court of law if you’re filing a Workers’ Compensation Dispute or Appeal. An attorney like Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Cartersville, GA knows the laws and regulations and can help you with any dispute or appeals process in your workers’ compensation case.

We Handle Workers Compensation Disputes in Cartersville!

If you or someone you love has been injured or become ill through no fault of your own at work, you may be entitled to some compensation. Such compensation may include lost wages, potential loss of future wages, unpaid medical bills due to your injuries or illness, retaining for a different job if you’re unable to return to work, and more.

It’s important that you file your claim within the 1-year time frame of your illness or injury. In many cases, if you don’t file within 30 days you may risk losing out on compensation that is due to you for your injuries or illness.

Don’t risk losing out on compensation for your injuries or illness if you or someone you love was injured or became ill at work. Call Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Coalition in Cartersville, GA today at 470-518-5026 and let them help navigate the court system for you during this difficult time.